ShanWu &
Drew Cavicchi


Grass, interpretation board | 68.6 x 53.3 x 104 cm (27 x 21 x 41 in)
Installation view at 200 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91103, 2020
Shan Wu & Drew Cavicchi

INTERPRETING LAND is part of the Interpretation Board Project by the The Residency Project.

INTERPRETING LAND is a site-responsive sculpture located in a public micro park in residential Pasadena. The interpretation board is facing a scene with a man-made landscape and fences from private houses. A patch of manicured grass cut to fit - a literal piece of land - lays on the interpretation board. Through a playful and tactile manner, INTERPRETING LAND invites the public to question altered landscapes, land ownership, and the connection of human construction with nature in urban and suburban environments.
